If your paycheck stopped, how would you buy groceries... make the car payment... pay the rent or mortgage?
Most financial experts agree. Your ability to work and earn an income is your greatest asset. Yet many Americans have done little to protect their paycheck from income loss caused by a serious injury or illness.
In one year's time, the odds' are:
The vast majority of homeowners protect themselves against fire with homeowner's insurance. Most states mandate drivers carry car insurance. But when it comes to disability, too many Americans have left themselves unprotected.
That's why your employer is offering you the opportunity to enroll in a disability insurance program available at affordable rates. This coverage can boost your financial safety net by replacing a portion of your income if an accident or illness leaves you unable to work and earn an income.
Benefit checks are sent directly to you, helping you pay the bills and support your family while you're unable to work.
Find out how much disability insurance you need with the disability needs calculator below. Learn how disability benefits can help you make ends meet if you can't work.
Would you be able to maintain your standard of living if you were too sick or hurt to work? Probably not. One-third of working adults say their families could live only three months or less on their savings and other income if the primary wage earner lost his or her income due to disability.
That's why disability insurance is one of the most important parts of any financial plan. It can help assure that you and your family have the income you need to live on.
How much disability insurance would you need to help pay monthly expenses? Use this chart to determine the answer:
This chart includes examples of typical expenses. Everyone's needs are unique. Your financial or tax advisor can help you determine your total need for disability insurance.